Simple, scalable, wireless lighting control for retrofits or new construction

Installs up to 70% faster with less material than wired solutions
You can install a switch and a sensor in as little as 15 minutes—no new wiring required. And you can mount wireless devices to any surface without cutting holes or running wire.*

Do more with less.
Get in and out.
With Vive, you can do more with less people, materials, time, and details. We know labor shortage is a huge concern. Vive allows you to get on and off jobs quicker, with less manpower, and move on to other projects.

Adapt on the fly.
Overcome the unexpected.
Installation snafus happen, with Vive, you can adapt on the fly—saving time and money. Vague specs? Easily make changes in the field. Add additional devices wherever necessary With less material than wired solutions.
How to pair an occupancy sensor to a Vive device:
Design and install a Vive system in 5 simple steps
Vive is also super-easy to start up with push-button setup and simple-to- use, intuitive software. Wirelessly connect system controls and program settings from any smart device. Anyone can do it!
It's hands down the easiest commercial system I have ever commissioned.
- Shaun Myers, Van Meter
Contact Us
Our Vive experts will help you choose,
design, and estimate the right wireless
solution for your job.
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A monthly mailing to help keep you up-to-date and in the know.
Education is the key to success!
Seeing is believing. Attend an in-person or online training to learn why wireless is right for your job.

Vive Badging 2024
Learn to design, install, and commission Vive wireless systems
Earn Vive badges and let your customers know they are hiring a trained expert in Lutron wireless control systems. Add the badge to your marketing tools to promote your wireless expertise!

On-demand, self-paced training
that fits your schedule.
Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to lighting controls, our On-Demand Lighting Control Training for the Commercial Contractor offers courses and resources from dimming basics to lighting control systems for complex buildings. Over 40 modules are available at no cost, and the format allows you to work through each module at your own pace.

Commercial newsletter
Sign-up for a monthly newsletter featuring new product announcements, time-saving tips and examples of doing more with less!
News and updates

NYC Hospital installs Vive wireless
When the North Central Bronx Hospital needed to completely reorganize several floors quickly to prepare for an influx of coronavirus patients, Vive wireless was the answer.

Application-based sell sheets
Vive wireless application-based sell sheets demonstrate how simple, scalable, wireless lighting control is the right solution for a variety of projects. Add your company information and use as a selling tool.

Stay up to date on Vive wireless
The revised Vive wireless brochure includes emergency PowPak models and system diagrams, updated service options, and more.