Advanced Capabilities for Budget-Conscious Guestrooms
The Code-Smart Guestroom System is an individual guestroom automation solution for lighting, with options for temperature and receptacle control. It is ideal for mid-scale guestrooms, senior living, dormitories, and more. This advanced system knows when guests are in the room – even when they are sleeping – to keep the room dialed in to their preferences.

Save Energy
Optimize energy savings without compromising guest experience. Guest presence detection uses advanced technology to know when the room is occupied or unoccupied. Lights, receptacles, and temperature controls adapt to occupancy – turning off lights and dialing back the temperature when the room is vacant.

Support Energy Code Compliance
Energy codes vary state-by-state, and even city-by-city. With two package options, Lutron solutions support lighting requirements for the major energy codes followed in most project locations. Circuit-level control eliminates a “Frankenstein system” of mismatched parts and pieces otherwise necessary to meet code requirements.

Meet Budget
Less equipment, fewer vendors, and no factory startup requirement ensures you have a comprehensive solution that meets your budget.

Simplify Design and Installation
Minimize planning and coordination with a single, pre-packaged kit of equipment per room. Intuitive, button-press programming minimizes call-backs and keeps projects on schedule.
Code-Smart Guestroom System Options

Controlled receptacles

Thermostat (by others)

Door contact (by others)