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Lutron Product Delivery Lead Time

Please see an overview below of our current lead times by major product families. For representatives and customers with access, check myProjects, myOrders, and the Daily Digest email for the most up-to-date lead times and ship-date estimates. For questions, please reach out to your Lutron sales representative.

Current Lead Times - Updated 3/7/2025

  Current Lead Times
Athena Wireless Node <2 Weeks​ *DFC-OEM-DBI is 4 weeks
Caséta​ <2 Weeks​
Drivers  2-4 Weeks 
HomeWorks 2-4 Weeks *Alisse AWH, BL, BWH, SWH are 5 weeks
*AB, AZ, BC, BRB, SN are 6 weeks
*CP & GP are 8 weeks  
In-Wall Sensors <2 Weeks​ 
Ketra / Rania / Finiré Downlights 2-4 Weeks*D2 Housings are 6 weeks; D2 trims are 6-11 weeks
Ketra Lamps / Lamp Solutions 2-4 Weeks 
Ketra/Lumaris Linears 2-4 Weeks*Office Linears are 14 Weeks
Quantum / Athena​​ 2-6 Weeks
Lutron Ballast Retrofit Kit 2-4 Weeks*Larger orders may have longer lead times
RA3 2-4 Weeks​
Shades 3-4 Weeks *Some fabrics are >4 weeks
Vive 2-3 Weeks ​*Receptacles are 4 weeks
Wallbox <2 Weeks 
myRoom / Code Smart Guestroom 2-5 Weeks


Lead times are improving. For representatives and customers with access, check myProjects, myOrders, and the Daily Digest email for the most up-to-date lead times and ship-date estimates. For questions, reach out to your Lutron customer service representative. Legal Disclaimer. Last update 3/7/2025

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