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    If I’ve been doing business with Lutron as a distributor, how does this policy affect me?

    Your relationship with Lutron is governed by your existing channel policies and agreements. The Online Reseller Policy applies to any online sales activities your organization might pursue. In addition it affects your relationship with resellers that you would have reason to believe are reselling online.

    What is my obligation when I believe that the products I’m selling are going to be resold?

    Advise your customer that Lutron has a policy governing online resale of it’s products and that he is obligated to comply with that policy. Otherwise that reseller could jeopardize your status as a Lutron distributor. We also recommended that you send a note to the e-mail address naming the reseller so that we can contact him directly.

    How do I qualify to sell Lutron products online?

    Review the AOSR policy and fulfill the requirements outlined there. Your site will be reviewed and if found compliant you will be officially recognized as an Authorized Online Reseller.

    Can I set up an account to drop ship to online customers?

    Yes, it is possible to arrange drop ship orders for online sales. However, you must fulfill at least 50% of your orders from your own warehouse.

    How will Lutron enforce this policy and new brand standards?

    Lutron has engaged a third party vendor to manage policy enforcement. Within 30 days of the official policy date all Lutron online product assets and brand standards information will be made available for download from this page. A 90 day grace period will be in affect to allow our partners time to implement the new policy. At the end of the 90 day grace period Lutron will begin strictly enforcing the policy.

    I own a URL with the Lutron brand name in the URL. Will the brand standards affect my URL?

    Yes! Use of ANY Lutron brand name in a reseller web site URL is strictly prohibited. It is the obligation of the reseller to surrender the URL to Lutron during the 90 day grace period. Once the reseller has surrendered the URL containing a Lutron brand name, Lutron will set up a redirect of that URL to your new URL for a period of 90 days. This will insure a minimum impact on traffic to the new site. It is your obligation to communicate the URL change to your customer base and to get them to bookmark your new URL.

    If I have an existing web site that sells Lutron products am I required to have all my pages reviewed according to Lutron brand standards policy?

    Lutron will conduct a review of all existing sites for brand standards errors and will summarize the necessary changes in a letter to the site owner. It will be the responsibility of the site owner to correct any errors within the initial grace period.

    How do I get my content approved for a new launch?

    After incorporating approved Lutron photography and product descriptions send us an e-mail with the URL of a beta version of your store for our review, along with a working username and password. If you can’t arrange access then you must submit screen shots of three typical product pages. Lutron will review this content and provide feedback within 48 hours of receipt.

    What if I see a competitor of mine who is not compliant with the policy?

    Please send an e-mail to and we will investigate all violations.

    It’s hard for me to create a dedicated landing page for the Where-To-Buy (WTB) feature. Is there any way to compromise?

    In creating functionality such as WTB, Lutron is entrusting you with a valuable lead. After providing the fundamental lead-nurturing necessary to generate that lead we are simply asking that you continue to reinforce the Lutron brand as we hand the lead off. We will accept your root URL as an alternative—however, those who go to the effort of providing a dedicated Lutron page will be featured at the top of the search results.

    What if I can’t afford to bring my web site into compliance with the Lutron policy?

    We will work with you in whatever way we can to help you become compliant, but it may require an investment on your part to properly represent the Lutron brand. Lutron has worked hard to create a brand that the industry and consumers can respect and we want to reinforce that message at every point of customer contact.

    Why are some Lutron products not allowed to be sold online?

    Many of the Lutron system-based products require design, installation, and programming services and support. To insure that the end-user receives the proper level of after-sale support we do NOT allow the sale of certain products through an online transaction. Our goal is to insure the best end-user experience possible.

    Sales Policies and Brand Standards Contact:

    Please direct any comments or questions you may have regarding these policies to the Sales Policy or Brand Standards Administrator at the addresses below. These Administrators are the only Lutron representatives authorized to answer questions regarding these policies.